ZEIT Studienführer
Whole magazine
I had the pleasure to illustrate more than 50 illustrations for "ZEIT Studienführer" which is a magazine that helps high school graduates to figure out everything surrounding universities. It was a huge project and multiple months of work and I am happy how everything came together.

Psychologie Heute
"Relationship with Smartphones"
This article is about our deep, intimate love-hate relationship with our smartphones, how we fall asleep with them, and how they have become an extension of our bodies. It also discusses the beginnings of technology and the first iPhone.

"The joy of cleaning"
These illustrations depict how cleaning can give you a sense of control and joy.

The article explores the therapeutic and freeing aspects of nudism. It goes without saying that I had a lot of fun illustrating this cheeky topic!

wIRED Magazine
"Miniature board games"
I had the honor of designing the cover image for a WIRED article about the rise of Liliputian board games and Redwall nostalgia. I wanted to create a fun but mystical little world where a lemonade can become a camping trailer, and marshmallows seem oversized and extra fluffy. Read the full article here.

Neue Narrative Magazin
"Reframing Selfcare"
These illustrations for Neue Narrative Magazin, which is a magazine all about New Work, show how self-care requires time, money, and effort. It can be considered a privilege that not everyone has access to. It also reminded me of a quote I recently read: "The problem with self-care is that you have to do it yourself."

This illustration was for an article about building sustainable and meaningful connections on the internet and treating it just like a community garden colony.

"Flirt Coach"
The author of this article dared a self-experiment: she got herself back into the dating jungle and hired a "flirt coach" which got her into interesting situations.

Brigitte WOMAN
I illustrated a monthly series about health advice for women in their menopause. Topics included choosing a healthy and specific diet, the healing plant Alchemill, mood swings in the office and hair loss.